Easton & Potomac trackage - red lines

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

New Helix Monitoring System

I had hoped to be able to show the entire helix with one fish eye camera.  However that did not give a good enough view of the tracks.  So a second camera was purchased and now the two cameras are installed back to back.  This gives 50% coverage of the helix with a good view of the tracks.

I may experiment with camera placement further after the June session.  But what is shown below will have to do for now.

Below is what the dispatcher will see on the helix monitoring system who's display will be in the dispatcher's office.  If an engineer is concerned about his train in the helix he will notify the operator who will contact the dispatcher for a status.

(Composite view of the two cameras.)

The system can handle two more cameras but at $60 a piece I don't think they will appear.
Trying different placements for the current two cameras may results in better coverage.  But that  will have to wait until after the June session.

(Single view of camera one which covers the lower entrance to the helix.)

(Single view of camera two which covers the upper entrance to the helix.)

You can just see engine #51 on the upper track at the far left.

1 comment:

Frank Kenny said...

I have a long mirror on one side so from my vantage point I can see one side and then see the other side via the mirror.