Easton & Potomac trackage - red lines

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Maintenance Update

During the last session one of the engineers had issues with engine #51.  It was dropping off their throttle and when I went to look at it, among other issues, it seemed all of the function keys had been re-mapped.

So engine #51 was the priority for maintenance.

Into the work shop it went on onto the test track.  And of course everything worked as expected.  No issues with acquisition.  No issues with function key mappings.  Normal situation.  Doesn't work during a session but works fine after the session.

There were some other issues with the decapods.  The max voltage I had set was too low for the helix.  While the engines made it up the helix they were VERY slow and stalled at the top.  So I made changes to the top voltage by increasing it 50% to help improve pulling power up the helix.

I also had a complaint from multiple attendees that the volume on the decapods needed increasing.  So I increased the master volume by 10% for the hard of hearing engineers among us.

Now engine #51 is ready for the next session!

On to engine #50.

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