Easton & Potomac trackage - red lines

Monday, July 29, 2019

#44 Gets a new decoder

Today engine 44 received its Tsunami 2 decoder along with a CurrentKeeper.

I also installed an LED into the headlight assembly making the headlight much brighter.  (Before the headlight was located inside the boiler and the light was passed to the headlight assembly via clear plastic.)  To move the LED to the headlight assembly I had to dissemble the engine removing the boiler from the running gear.  I then had to remove the existing LED from the split boiler weight.  Next came drilling out the headlight assembly and smoke box front.  Then painting the inside of the headlight assembly silver and gluing the new LED to the back of the headlight assembly.  Next was painting the back of the LED black.  Then the LED leads were cut to length and wires attached.  Then the headlight assembly was reinstalled on the smoke box.  Lastly the wires attached to the new LED were soldered to the existing headlight wires and the boiler assembly reinstalled on the running gear.

Engine 44 is now ready to resume its duties on 110 and the Thorny Point Extra.

It will be interesting to see if this decoder overheats like the older Bachmann Tsunami did during the last session.

Hope not.  Especially after all the work to move the headlight.

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