Easton & Potomac trackage - red lines

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

E&P Goes High Tech

Disregarding my experience with technology (don't upgrade unless absolutely necessary) and ignoring my grandfather's advice, "the more stuff you have the more problems you have", E&P management has added and upgraded the technology supporting operations.

This process started with the installation of two Tsunami2 decoders in engines 50 and 51.  So far that seems to be a good upgrade.  But then again it goes against the rule "If it ain't broke don't fix it.".  So Murphy is most likely waiting in the wings for the next OPS session.  Engine 51 seems to be OK but 50 needs a slight adjustment to its starting voltage.

The second in this process was to replace the broken helix monitoring system.  This doesn't break the "If it ain't broke don't fix it rule." but it does add quite a bit of new technology to the process.  It will also add a function to the dispatcher's role.  While the new process is working, the camera position needs adjusting.  Hope to have that done before the next OPS session.  This is another area for Murphy to strike at the next OPS session.

The third in this process was the addition of smart phone support.  I have been against this for quite a while.  But recent issues with Digitrax radio control and the apparent quality of the smart phone access has made me a convert.  While this has been tested, Murphy probably is once again waiting in the wings for the next OPS session to show his colors.

So in addition to hopefully providing a better operation experience on the E&P I have also provided a FERTILE field for Murphy!

The next OPS session should be interesting!

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